What is The State Capital of Maryland?

What is The State Capital of Maryland?MARYLAND - Nestled on the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis proudly holds the title of Maryland's state capital. Steeped in history and maritime charm, this picturesque city offers visitors a delightful blend of old-world elegance and modern vibrancy.

What is The State Capital of Maryland?
What is The State Capital of Maryland?

Annapolis: The Charming Capitol of Maryland

Founded in 1649, Annapolis boasts a rich colonial past. It served briefly as the nation's capital during the American Revolution, and the Maryland State House, still in use today, is the oldest state capitol in continuous legislative use. The city's historic district is a treasure trove of architectural gems, with cobblestone streets lined with 18th-century brick houses and charming boutiques.

Annapolis is renowned for its maritime heritage. It is home to the United States Naval Academy. Visitors can explore the academy's sprawling campus, admire its beaux-arts architecture, and learn about naval history at the museum. The city's waterfront is also a bustling hub of activity, with marinas, restaurants, and shops catering to boaters and landlubbers alike.

Things to Do

Explore the historic district: Stroll along the brick sidewalks, browse unique shops, and dine at charming restaurants. Don't miss visiting the Maryland State House and St. Anne's Church.
Visit the U.S. Naval Academy: Take a guided tour, explore the Naval Academy Museum, and watch the midshipmen in action.
Enjoy the waterfront: Take a boat tour, rent a kayak or paddleboard, or simply relax at one of the many parks.
Indulge in fresh seafood: Annapolis is a seafood lover's paradise, with various restaurants serving the freshest catches from the Chesapeake Bay.

Annapolis is a city with a unique character and charm. Its blend of history, maritime heritage, and modern amenities makes it a captivating destination for visitors of all ages. Whether you are interested in history, sailing, or simply enjoying the laid-back atmosphere, Annapolis has something to offer everyone.