How Many Bears Are in West Virginia?

How Many Bears Are in West Virginia?WEST VIRGINA - State populations of around 1.7 million and 13,000 bears make the chances of encountering one low; but should one appear, National Park Service advice suggests remaining calm and making yourself visible so the bear knows you are human and not prey, thus helping de-escalate situations quickly. West Virginia only houses American black bears (Ursus americanus), unlike polar or grizzly species which may become aggressive towards people.

How Many Bears Are in West Virginia?
West Virgina Has Around 13,000 Bears Living in The State

West Virgina Has Around 13,000 Bears Living in The State

 Black bears can be found throughout West Virginia's 55 counties, but are most prevalent in a crescent from Tucker through Greenbrier and Monroe to Kanawha. As solitary animals, black bears generally stay close to forest floors while following their noses for food sources that vary season to season and year to year; they often find garbage cans or bird feeders irresistible and may cause considerable damage by knocking over or digging into containers.

The state Division of Natural Resources has received several reports of nuisance bears, with one incident where a woman was mauled near Tiffany Manor in Bluefield. To protect themselves and their properties from future attacks by these bears, DNR issued a public safety advisory encouraging residents to remove trash or attractants that attract bears, seal food with strong odors in containers, and take down bird feeders until late autumn.