How Many Coyotes Live in Georgia?

There are At Least 90,000 Coyotes Living in GeorgiaGEORGIA - The coyote population in Georgia has seen a steady increase, with estimates suggesting that there are at least 90,000 individuals within the state. As an invasive species, coyotes have displayed remarkable adaptability, allowing them to thrive in various habitats, including urban areas. This adaptability has raised concerns, as it poses a potential threat to livestock, pets, and even the safety of small children.

How Many Coyotes Live in Georgia?
There are At Least 90,000 Coyotes Living in Georgia

There are At Least 90,000 Coyotes Living in Georgia

The state of Georgia recognizes the need to address this issue and has implemented strategies to manage the coyote population. One of the key approaches is through hunting, which is permitted year-round. However, it is important to emphasize that individuals must possess a valid hunting license, unless they are hunting on their own private property. In such cases, landowners have the authority to shoot or trap coyotes without needing a license.

By allowing hunting as a means of population control, the state aims to ensure that the coyote population remains in check and mitigates the potential problems associated with their presence. This proactive approach helps protect the well-being of livestock, pets, and residents, promoting a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife in Georgia. It allows for the preservation of a balanced ecosystem while addressing the risks posed by these adaptive and resilient animals.