What is the State Bird of Alabama?

What is the State Bird of Alabama?ALABAMA - The state bird of Alabama is the northern flicker, also known as a yellow-shafted flicker, Yellowhammer, or even the Yellowhammer itself. The bird feeds mainly on insects and fruits but also likes to eat ants. They even come out during winter to hunt for ants. It is unusual for a bird to eat ants, but this bird does!

The State Bird What is the State Bird of Alabama?
The State Bird Of Alabama Is The Northern Flicker

Alabama's State Bird: The Yellowhammer - More Than Just a Woodpecker

Alabama proudly claims the Northern Flicker, often called the Yellowhammer, as its state bird. This unique woodpecker, known scientifically as Colaptes auratus, symbolizes the state's natural beauty and resilient spirit.

Why is it called the Yellowhammer?

The name comes from the bird's striking yellow shafts visible under its wings and tail feathers during flight. This flash of color and its distinctive hammering on trees make the Yellowhammer a memorable sight in Alabama's woodlands.

Unique Characteristics:

  • Ground Forager: Unlike many woodpeckers, the Yellowhammer spends much time on the ground foraging for food.
  • Ant Eater: This bird has a peculiar appetite for ants, even venturing in winter to find them.
  • Varied Diet: While ants are a favorite, the Yellowhammer also enjoys insects, fruits, seeds, nuts, and even poison ivy berries!
  • Distinctive Appearance: With a yellow head, a brown body speckled with black, and a noticeable white rump patch, the Yellowhammer is easy to identify.

Nesting Habits:

The Yellowhammer is a cavity nester, often in dead trees, fence posts, or buildings. Both parents diligently care for their young, feeding them until they are ready to fledge.

Symbol of the South:

While the Yellowhammer is Alabama's official state bird, it symbolizes the entire South. Its association with the region dates back to the Civil War when Alabama soldiers were nicknamed "Yellowhammers" due to the yellow trim on their uniforms.

Did You Know?

Alabama is the only state in the US with a woodpecker as its state bird!

Experience the Yellowhammer:

Alabama FlagWatch for this fascinating bird on your next nature walk in Alabama. Listen for its distinctive call and watch as it searches for ants or drums on a tree trunk. The Yellowhammer is a true emblem of Alabama's natural heritage.