Minnesota Is Home To Approximately 13,000-18,000 Black Bears
The DNR conducts research aimed at studying bear habitat use, physical condition and dening strategies as well as reproduction. Unfortunately, however, its research does not include mortality assessments related to hunting.
Garshelis is one of a select few Minnesota researchers to have been tracking bears for over three decades, trapping and collaring hundreds of them and not experiencing a single predatory or aggressive encounter - nationwide only two people die annually from bear attacks.
Minnesota hunters harvest an average of approximately 2,300 black bears annually, which is consistent with long-term trends. Sport hunting remains the primary cause of bear mortality; typically living up to 10 years before dying from other human causes or being hunted down for sport hunting purposes.
The DNR oversees bear populations by providing quality habitat, conducting research to increase understanding of bear biology and behavior, educating the public on coexisting with bears, providing assistance with problematic bears, controlling populations through hunting seasons, and working with other agencies to conserve bears while mitigating conflicts between bears and people.