New England

What is the State Bird of Connecticut?

Austyn Kunde
Hits: 3677

What is the State Bird of Connecticut?CONNECTICUT - Among the many birds in Connecticut, one of the most common is the American Robin.  It has a brown back, a gray upper body, and a black head. The bill is yellow, and its legs are placed near the rear of the body.

What is the State Bird of Connecticut?
Photo: American Robin (Wiki)

 Connecticut's State Bird: The Familiar and Beloved American Robin

One of Connecticut's most easily recognized avian residents is the American Robin, proudly designated as the state bird. This member of the true thrush family is a familiar sight across the United States and Canada. Here's what makes it so unique:


Behavior and Habitat

Fascinating Facts

The American Robin symbolizes the changing seasons and resilience. Its bright plumage and cheerful song make it a beloved backyard visitor and a fitting emblem for Connecticut.