Mid-Atlantic Region

Where to Find The Best Burger in New Jersey

Damon Zimmer
Hits: 2199

Where to Find The Best Burger in New JerseyNEW JERSEY - Nestled in Hackensack, New Jersey, White Manna embodies a piece of history that has stood the test of time. Originally presented as a prototype at the 1939 World's Fair, this iconic establishment has remained a beloved culinary destination for locals and visitors alike. Despite the challenges brought on by the recent pandemic, White Manna continued to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of its loyal customers.

Where to Find The Best Burger in New Jersey
Hackensack, New Jersey, White Manna

As one unwraps the pint-sized burgers. Initially, their small size may give rise to some skepticism. However, any doubts are immediately quelled once you take that first bite. The burgers are expertly adorned with a modest amount of fresh-ground onions.

As you sink your teeth into the pliable, miniature potato roll, the melting cheese adds an extra dimension of flavor. The result is exceptional, as White Manna continues to uphold its reputation as one of the nation's finest purveyors of compact yet incredibly flavorful burgers.