Florida Coast

How Many Coyotes Live in Florida?

Austyn Kunde
Hits: 407

Coyote Estimates Ranging From 13,000 To 70,000 In FloridaFLORIDA - Florida is home to a thriving population of coyotes, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 70,000 individuals. Their presence in the state is significant, considering they had been absent for an astonishing 12,000 years. Recently, coyotes have made an impressive comeback and have been able to reestablish their presence in various habitats throughout Florida.

How Many Coyotes Live in Florida?
Coyote Estimates Ranging From 13,000 To 70,000 In Florida

Coyote Estimates Ranging From 13,000 To 70,000 In Florida

Woodlands and open forest areas are the preferred habitats for coyotes in Florida, where they can utilize the dense vegetation and find suitable food sources. However, it is important to note that coyotes have also demonstrated their adaptability and resourcefulness by being spotted in close proximity to human settlements. This adaptability is likely a key factor in their remarkable success in the state.

While hunting coyotes is generally prohibited in Florida, there are specific circumstances in which it is allowed. These circumstances typically involve protecting human safety or managing ecological balance. However, to safeguard their properties and livestock from potential coyote threats, landowners are granted the authority to take necessary actions without requiring additional permits. This exemption strikes a balance between protecting assets and adhering to regulations, allowing for a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife in the state.